Ep 11: Living. With. WIldfire.
As you can recall from mainstream news, fires are popping up everywhere! Here’s the thing, fires have been occurring naturally or have been prescribed for thousands of years. But one important thing to note… fires of today are not the fires of yesterday.
In this episode, our Host Sam Stanford and PhD candidate in the School of Forestry, Gabrielle Ayres bring to you, an introduction of Fire Ecology & Fire Management while addressing key terms you may have heard or are unfamiliar with. Then they discuss how human behavior and Climate change effects the natural landscape and psychological interpretations that led us to where we are today. Then to end out a beautiful and enlightening episode, Gabrielle & Sam touch upon what’s next? In terms of how to adapt, and what will come from forest management.
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Meet the Guest Star
Gabrielle Ayres
Gaby is a PhD candidate in the School of Forestry at Northern Arizona University. She grew up in nature-rich South Africa, where her interest in ecology emerged. As an ecologist, she tries to expose herself to as many ecosystems as possible. As a result of this, she has travelled to 18 different countries, including parts of Western Dronning Maud Land in Antarctica for her MSc research on rock-lichen interactions.
Now, Gaby is carrying out research on forest response to climate change across the Rocky Mountains in the continental U.S. Her interests lie in fire ecology, dendrochronology (tree-rings), and climate change. In a nutshell, Gaby is an ecological biogeographer with itchy feet, always looking for an adventure and a chance to learn more! To learn more about Gaby, connect with her on Instagram using the link below: