Ep 3: Mars Colonization; Good or Waste?


Life? Space Elevator? Nuking? Drones? Traveling to Mars? Whether or not you have interest or passion in Astronomy, NASA, Space X, Elon Musk Tweets, or Engineering I guarantee you’ll love this episode of Woke Talk Podcast on the colonization of Mars. Listen to the cast, and your host Sam Stanford, discuss the hurdles, benefits and ideas of exploring Mars.

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Meet the Guest Stars

Dan Arnett

Dan graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Slippery Rock University where he built their planetarium’s projection system. 

He then achieved his masters in Robotics Systems Development at Carnegie Mellon University, specializing in autonomous docking of planetary rovers. 

Dan used to work for Astrobotic, the Pittsburgh-based lunar-lander company, but today he’s employed in Pittsburgh's thriving robotics industry. 

Some fun facts about Dan outside of college is that he has 300 skydive attempts and 50 paragliding hours.

Gabrielle Kizer

Gabi graduated from Slippery Rock University with degrees in Chemistry and Physics. Gabi was involved in multiple research projects at Slippery Rock University, with one in particular focusing on the contact binary comets of Ultima Thule. 

Dr. Dustin Hemphill

Dustin graduated from Slippery Rock University with a Bachelors in Computational Physics and went onto Purdue to earn his Masters in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. 

He continued on to get his PhD in Physics, and conducted 6 years of research with the High Energy Nuclear Theory Group, developing models of the Boltzmann transport equation, particle collision physics, and much more.

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Ep 4: Pro Small Business


Ep 2: Autonomous Vehicles