Ep 54: The Past Beneath Our Feet


Geologist and Earth Science Communicator Geo Becky joined the podcast to talk about the geology in Earth’s architectural wonders of the world such as the Great Pyramids of Egypt, the Roman Colosseum, the Taj Mahal, and more.

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Meet the Guest Star

Geo Becky:

Becky is a Geologist and Earth Science Communicator making content online about geoscience that is interesting, fun, and accessible.

Her goal is to share with others the excitement and wonder that she feels every time she learns something new. She finds that the more she creates and shares what excites her, the more her perspective of the world grows and changes for the better.

Becky specifically looks for ways that she can connect geology to the rest of the world. For example: building stones and the geologic history behind them, the connection between a location's biodiversity and the bedrock beneath it, coffee growing in volcanic soil, famous rocks like the Blarney Stone or Stonehenge and their geologic origins, and much more.

As part of her work, Becky creates educational videos, shares her photography, leads geology walks in her local area, and loves to travel and share the geologic history of different places around the country and the world.


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