Ep 34: The Discovery of Pluto
Everything STEAM teamed up with the Lowell Observatory to discuss all things Pluto. A Historian & Planetary Scientist from Lowell joined the podcast to highlight the history of Pluto’s discovery, the science of Pluto, how their observatory plans for the future and the all important, Dark Skies Initiative. If you want to learn about the determinism of Pluto’s title, the features discovered during the New Horizon’s mission and the Observatory’s inclusion in present-day projects; then you my friend have come to the right place.
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He also studies cryogenic ices and ice mixtures in the Astrophysical Materials Laboratory at Northern Arizona University.
Additionally, Dr. Grundy is involved in projects to discover Kuiper belt binaries and to determine their mutual orbits and masses, using the Hubble Space Telescope, as well as laser guide star adaptive optics techniques at Keck and Gemini observatories.
Dr. Grundy is co-investigator on NASA’s New Horizons mission that encountered the Pluto system in 2015 and the Kuiper belt object Arrokoth in 2019. Lastly, Will heads the mission’s surface composition science theme team.